xUnit.net v1 XML Format

This documentation for the v1 XML format is provided for historical purposes only. New transformations should use the V2 XML Format.

xUnit.net v1 exposed XML in several ways:

The top level element of the document during transformation is the assembly element, and represents a single test assembly. During execution, the top level element will be the element currently being reported on.


The assembly node contains information about the run of a test assembly. Transformations are handed a single assembly node as their XML document to transform against.

Child Elements

<class> 0..* The classes run within this assembly


name The fully qualified pathname of the assembly
run-date The date the test run began
run-time The time the test run began
time The time, in fractional seconds, spent running tests
total The number of tests run
passed The number of tests that passed
failed The number of tests that failed
skipped The number of tests that were skipped
environment The environment the tests were run in (32- vs. 64-bit and .NET version)

The class node contains information about the tests run in a single test class. It also contains information about failures related to the class itself (i.e., during the creation or disposable of fixture data associated with IUseFixture<T>).

Child Elements

<test> 0..* Contains the tests run within this class
<failure> 0..1 Contains fixture related failure info


name The full type name of the class
time The time, in fractional seconds, spent running tests
total The number of tests run
passed The number of tests that passed
failed The number of tests that failed
skipped The number of tests that were skipped

A failure node describes a failure of a class or test.

Child Elements

<message> 1 The exception message
<stack-trace> 0..1 The stack trace of the exception


exception-type The full type name of the exception that was thrown

A reason node contains information about why a test was skipped.

Child Elements

<message> 1 The reason the text was skipped

The start node is only available via Executor, not for Transformations. It indicates that a test is about to start running, and can be used to update runner status to indicate such.


name The display name of the test
type The full type name of the class
method The name of the method

The test node contains information about a single test execution.

Child Elements

<failure> 0..1 Present if the test result is Fail
<reason> 0..1 Present if the test result is Skip
<traits> 0..1 Present if the test has any trait metadata
<output> 0..1 Contains any text written to Console.Out or Console.Error


Attribute Introduced Value
name 1.0 The display name of the test
type 1.0 The full type name of the class
method 1.0 The name of the method
result 1.0 One of Pass, Fail, or Skip
time 1.0 The time, in fractional seconds, spent running the test (not present for Skip results)

The trait node contains information about a single name/value pair of metadata about a test.


name The name of the trait
value The value of the trait

The traits node contains zero or more trait nodes which contain the metadata about a test.

Child Elements

<trait> 0..* Nodes representing the traits of the test
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