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xUnit1013 Warning

Public method should be marked as test


This rule is trigger by having a public method in a test class that is not marked as a test.

Reason for rule

It is frequently oversight to have a public method in a test class which isn’t a test method.

How to fix violations

To fix a violation of this rule, you may:



using Xunit;

public class xUnit1013
    public void TestMethod1() { }

    public void TestMethod2() { }

Does not violate

using Xunit;

public class xUnit1013
    public void TestMethod1() { }

    public void TestMethod2() { }
using Xunit;

public class xUnit1013
    public void TestMethod1() { }

    internal void TestMethod2() { }

Opt-out for extension authors

Some xUnit.net extensions provide alternative attributes for annotating tests. Such attributes should be annotated with a marker attribute to prevent this rule from firing for valid usages of the extension. The marker attribute must be named IgnoreXunitAnalyzersRule1013, in any (or no) namespace.

using System;
using Xunit;

public sealed class IgnoreXunitAnalyzersRule1013Attribute : Attribute { }

public class CustomTestTypeAttribute : Attribute { }

public class xUnit1013
    public void TestMethod() { }

    public void CustomTestMethod() { }
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