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xUnit2001 Hidden

Do not use invalid equality check


Assert.Equals or Assert.ReferenceEquals is used.

Reason for rule

Assert.Equals does not assert that two objects are equal; it exists only to hide the static Equals method inherited from object. It’s a similar story for Assert.ReferenceEquals.

How to fix violations

To fix a violation of this rule, use Assert.Equal instead of Equals and Assert.Same instead of ReferenceEquals.



using Xunit;

public class xUnit2001
    public void TestMethod()
        var result = 21 * 2;

        Assert.Equals(42, result);

Does not violate

using Xunit;

public class xUnit2001
    public void TestMethod()
        var result = 21 * 2;

        Assert.Equal(42, result);
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